Clara & Nestor
Personal Note

Hi everyone!

First off, we'd like to say that your presence at our wedding is the greatest gift we could ask for. The time, effort, and expense of traveling to be with us is something we deeply appreciate, and we are so thrilled that we will be able to celebrate this happy occasion with you. For those of you watching from a distance, know that your love and support mean everything to us!

We have been blessed to have a lot of the essential home items a newly engaged couple needs, so please know your celebration of our marriage is gift enough! If you still feel that you would like to give us something, we have two options below.

The first is a fund we have set up to adopt a child from El Salvador. Clara has wanted to adopt since helping with an orphanage in Guadalupe, Mexico with Tapestries of Life Ministries. As an immigrant, Nestor wants to provide the same opportunities he has been granted to a child living in extreme poverty. This will be a several-year process for us due to the challenges associated with adopting internationally.  Families can generally expect to spend between $10,000 to $20,000 to adopt from another country. This would include a Salvadoran attorney’s fees, a medical exam for the child, and a U.S. Immigrant Visa. We’ve already started saving, but would love your support to help our family dream come true!

The second option is to fund a piece of our honeymoon travels. We will be exploring both Bolivia and Chile for our honeymoon!  While we have taken many exciting trips together, we are very much looking forward to our first real adventure as husband and wife! Because of the lifetime of memories we will gain from this trip, we settled on a honeymoon registry!  

We greatly appreciate and will fondly remember these gifts for years to come. 

We'll do our best to document our experience via photo and include it in your much-deserved "thank you" note. We are beyond blessed to have such loving family and friends!

Thanks again, and we can't wait to celebrate with you!!